digital signature certificate in bangalore

Steps involved in Digital signature Certificate


Digital signature certificate are the digital equivalent of physical certificates. Examples of physical certificates are a driver’s license, passport or membership card. Certificates serve as proof of a person’s identity for a specific purpose;

For example, a driver’s license identifies someone who can legally drive in a particular country. Similarly, a digital signature certificate can be issue electronically to prove your identity, to access information or services on the Internet, or to digitally sign certain documents.

dsc in bangalore

The signature is a symbolic and essential representation of one’s identity. A person’s signature holds a very important place in the field of law as well as when dealing. When a person signs a particular document, it means that such a person has read the entire document carefully, verify the facts and is aware of the contents of the document and is therefore giving his consent for the best knowledge.

Under contract law, the signature also plays an important role, as it is consider a sign of acceptance of the fur. The traditional form of signatures has evolve a lot due to technological advances transactions.

The risk of data hacking has also increase with the increasing use of online transactions and e-mails. Therefore, the concept of sign online signatures has become relatively important.

Authentication using digital signature

Authentication of electronic records is make by creating digital signatures which is a mathematical function of message content. Such signatures are create and verify by cryptography, a branch of applied mathematics. It is used to protect the confidentiality and authentication of data by changing it from version to version which can be rotate to display the original information only to the person who has the correct key.

digital signature in bangalore

The key is the sequence of signals that control the operation of the cryptographic transformation.

It involves two processes in digital signature certificate in Bangalore – Maruthi seva nagar which are as follows.

Encryption: The process of converting a plain message into cipher text.

Decryption: The opposite of cipher text in the original message.

digital signature certificate in bangalore

Asymmetric encryption

This can only be decrypt using a publicly available key, known as a ‘public key’ provided by the sender. The action has been taken under Section 2 (1) (f) of the Information Technology Act, 2000. Under this system, there is a pair of keys, a private key known only to the sender and a public key known only to the recipients.

The message is encrypt by the sender’s private key, which can be decrypted by anyone with public keys. It shows the sincerity of the sender. It is also call as the ‘principle of aphrodisiac’. The sender’s public key is known to many users, but they do not have access to the sender’s private key which prevents them from creating digital signatures.

Symmetrical encryption

There is only one key that is known to both the sender and the recipient. Under this system, the secret key or private key is known to the sender and legitimate user. This secret key is use for both encryption and decryption of messages. The only drawback of this symmetrical encryption is that as the number of pairs of users increases, it becomes difficult to keep track of the secret key used.

digital signature in bangalore

A digital signature Certificate is a combination of algorithm processes.

Digital signature certificate in Bangalore Maruthi seva nagar makes use of following algorithm.

Identify the parties involve

Accepts certain acceptance of the agreement by the parties

Applicable link to the terms and conditions of the agreement with the parties

Algorithm processes for digital signatures are largely the same all over the world. However country-by-country differs by their role and form regulation in legal agreements.


 In India, the Information Technology Act G 2000, (“IT Act”) and various accompanying rules give life to digital signatures.

In this section, we will explain the technical process of DSC – step by step. At each step, we will also identify what legal provision or regulation relates to this step. Right, let’s get start

3 Initial components required for digital signature

To process a digital signature certificate in Bangalore Maruthi seva nagar, you need 3 initial components –

Electronic record

Secure key pair and

Hash algorithm

Component # 1: Electronic record

Without an electronic record – you have nothing to attach to the signature in DSC. It is the whole point of the digital signature process.

For all practical purposes, any information in electronic form is an electronic record.

But, in practice, digital signatures can only be apply to electronic records that are either PDF or XML (we will analyze why this is in a later post).

Component # 2: Secure Pair

Digital signatures rely on a process known as asymmetric cryptography.

Asymmetric cryptography is combination of 2 functions:

Private Key – An encryption function used by a party signer to encrypt a digital signature (see Section 2 (1) (ZC) of the IT Act)

Public key – a decryption function used by third parties to verify signatures, which give access to signed electronic records (see Section 2 (1) (z) of the IT Act)

The private key is exclusive and confidential to the singer who owns the main pair.

The public key is exclusive but not confidential to the sign. It can and should be view by anyone who sees digital signatures.

The private key and public key of the same key pair are vaguely connect

Private Key encryptions, whatever they are, can only be decrypted by a public key in a pair of keys.

The public key can only decrypt the information encrypted with the corresponding private key.

Both keys together call as secure key pairs.

Component # 3: Hashing function

There is a hash function – an algorithm – that receives a unique alphanumeric code to represent a specific electronic record. This code is call as a hash result for DSC

digital signature certificate

The hash result is essentially the fingerprint of an electronic record algorithm.

There are 2 things you need to remember about hash results:

You cannot retrieve an actual copy of the document from the hash result. Similar recreate someone’s passport number, because you have their passport number.

The hash result is unique to a particular electronic record. No two electronic records will have the same hash result – just as no two individuals have the same fingerprint.

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